Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day Flowers

Valentine's Day Flowers

The trendiest way to wish your beloved is through these popular valentine flowers. Giving flowers for Valentine's Day became popular during the 17th century and has been continuing till this day. Valentine's Day flowers are the perfect way to express your love and feelings to your beloved. The most traditional and popular flower is the long stemmed red Rose. This flower is the epitome of love and is also considered to be the favorite flower of Venus, Roman Goddess of Love. A single red Rose is supposed to signify "true love" and is often surrounded with baby's breath poesies. It is the most preferred choice of lovers around the world. 
Apart from roses, other popular romantic flowers are daisies, tulips, carnations and lilacs. These flowers are also gaining popularity now-a-days among the younger generations. These flowers are not only romantic, but are also exotic. These flowers are not gifted on a regular basis and that is what makes them even more distinct in a unique way. Given below is a list that will help you identify the popular flowers, their appropriate color and their meanings.

Rose Red- Passionate Love
Rose Lavender- Our love is pure
Rose Pink- To my friend; Happiness
Rose White- Charm and innocence
Rose  Yellow-  Friendship
Rose Red and White- Unity
Tulip  Red- You are a perfect lover
Tulip Yellow- I am hopelessly in love
Tulip Variegated-  You have beautiful eyes
Tulip Violet-  I shall remain faithful
Lily White- You are sweet; Pure
Lily Yellow- Thank you
Lilac Purple- I feel the first emotions of love
Pansy - Thinking of you; Remembering you
Rosebud Red- You are young and lovely
Carnation White- Our love is pure and ardent
Carnation Yellow- Rejection

Asha V.P

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